Product Details for Material from TEXAS INSTRUMENTS - TPD12S015YFFR - Interface IC - customised Texas Instruments TPD12S015YFFR DSBGA 28

TPD12S015YFFR TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Interface IC - customised Texas Instruments TPD12S015YFFR DSBGA 28

Part Nnumber
Interface IC - customised Texas Instruments TPD12S015YFFR DSBGA 28
Basic price
2,94 EUR

The product with part number TPD12S015YFFR (Interface IC - customised Texas Instruments TPD12S015YFFR DSBGA 28) is from company TEXAS INSTRUMENTS and distributed with basic unit price 2,94 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Interface IC - customised Technical data Type TPD12S015YFFR Enclosure DSBGA 28 Manufacturer Texas Instruments Manuf. Code TID Category) Interface IC - customised Interfaces HDMI Applications PDAs, Portable AV devices, Smartphones Supply voltage (min.) 1.1 V, 2.3 V Supply voltage (max.) 3.6 V, 5.5 V Operating temperature (min.) -40 °C Max. operating temperature +85 °C Mounting type Surface-mount Description Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation, which is free to download.

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