LM3410YMFE/NOPB TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LM3410YMFE/NOPB, LCD Display Driver 5-Segments, 2.7 → 5.5 V, 5-Pin SOT-23-5

Part Nnumber
LM3410YMFE/NOPB, LCD Display Driver 5-Segments, 2.7 → 5.5 V, 5-Pin SOT-23-5
Basic price
2,02 EUR

The product with part number LM3410YMFE/NOPB (LM3410YMFE/NOPB, LCD Display Driver 5-Segments, 2.7 → 5.5 V, 5-Pin SOT-23-5) is from company TEXAS INSTRUMENTS and distributed with basic unit price 2,02 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Mounting TypeSurface Mount Product Details LED Lighting - Illumination, Texas Instruments LED Drivers A range of highly integrated dedicated high-current LED Driver ICs for use in lighting and display backlight applications.

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